
A Moment For Reflection

C: It's the Fifth Anniversary of the Iraq War. Here at Drunken Politics we have a strong tendency toward the irreverent and the sublime ridiculous nature of Politics. This is not one of those times. The War in Iraq has warped Geo-politics, damaged international relations on an immense scale and cost billions and billions of dollars with a global economic impact that will echo for generations. Deep divisions among Americans, our allies, enemies, governments and their respective dissenting citizens, political relationships, even between individuals and families, are going to be a massive challenge to heal. And the untold cost to average Iraqis and their children, nearly 4,000 U.S. servicemen dead with nearly 30,000 wounded and the effect on their families and friends and all Americans, is a tragic situation that should never be downplayed. Raise a glass in deep thought and pray we all figure out how to straighten out this Mess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Five Years! and there are still people out there who actually believe Iraq and 911 are related.

Listening to an interview on NPR yesterday with a woman who's son was killed in Iraq... she explained that, yes, she wished the whole damn war was over, but she still supports our efforts in Iraq. When asked why, she answered that we had to go there because of 911. We have to be there in order to thwart the threat of terrorism, etc, etc, and on and on.....you know.

And that is one of the most frightening things: how many people can not understand that not only did Iraq have nothing to do with 911, but our presense there has CAUSED an increase in terrorist activity everywhere.

It's just so frustrating, and fucking scarry. Now I need a drink....