
Carolina Oddity

J: South Carolina's Republican governor, Mark Sanford, has written an op-ed piece in Columbia's newspaper, The State, praising Barack Obama's candidacy.


"Within many of our own lifetimes, a man who looked like Barack Obama had a difficult time even using the public restrooms in our state. What is happening may well say a lot about America, and I do think as an early primary state we should earnestly shoulder our responsibility in determining how this part of history is ultimately written."

Whoever wins the GOP nomination would be wise to take a serious look at Gov. Sanford for a position in their administration. That, friends, is how you reach across the aisle.

C: If I were the novice journalist sent by my liberal elite NorthEast/Leftist Coast newspaper to cover South Carolina, there is the Holy Grail of phone-it-in stories just flopping around in the boat. "What are your views on the Confederate Flag?"

And while my education in South Carolinian subtleties and nuance continues, I've always been a fan of the Weirdness that was Strom Thurmond.

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