
Is It Over?

C: Thankfully, my partner-in-crime had his laptop attacked by terrorists. Otherwise, I'd have to hear how Hilary's Giuliania-ification was written on the wall. Obama's ground game has put the hurt on Clinton's establishment coronation. Barack crushed the Crabcake. Big. Holy moly, Big.

Speaking of Big Strangeness, back in 2001 I attended a Ralph Nader rally here in town. Cue Obama's Giant Platitude Fiesta in Wisconsin on his Chesapeake victory night speech. Scroll back. The Ralph Nader show: Eddie Vedder played acoustic, Danny Glover and Jello Biafra spoke. Then Nader. Nearly word for word, idea for idea, philosophy for philosophy, Barack has co-opted the Nader paradigm. A new way of non-partisan thinking, collaberation, healthcare, corporatism, the environment, green energy, children first, war policy, workplace policy and living-wage jobs...Yes We Can. Uncanny. It's the messenger. Or maybe its time has come.

J: "It's the messenger. Or maybe its time has come."

It's both. Nader has done a hell of a lot for America, but he can't turn on the masses. Obama can. And after 8 years, people are ready for a huge change.

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