
Mitt quits

Breaking News:

C: Willard Romney announced at the Conservative Political Action Conference that he's bailing out of the show. Maybe his wife took away his checkbook, more likely he did the simple math that he'd have to win all the remaining primaries. His Hair has declined to state whether it will continue the campaign. Mitt can sleep well in the knowledge that he's a new member of Rich Dudes Who Blow Millions On Vanity Politics. Steve Forbes and Ross Perot are buying the welcome aboard drinks tonight.

This is bad news for Democrats. They'll continue the knockdown dragout while Republicans fall in behind the McCantankerous. Is Hucklebee going to have "frank discussions" next?

J: Well, it wasn't hard to see this coming, obviously. I'm seeing ramifications for both parties here, though.

On the Republican side, Huckabee will either drop or surge. I have no idea if the combination of "evangelical" and "true Conservative" will be enough to stop Johnny Mac's juggernaut. If I were running McCain's campaign, I'd try to not find out- I'd call Mike and ask him if the VP slot or a cabinet position would be enough to convince him to drop out of the race. Point out how it helps the GOP- every dollar not spent during the primaries can help during the general.

There's a Democrat who ought to be very upset about this news- Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. McCain and Obama were pulling in the Independent voters in states with open primaries. If McCain is viewed as the sure thing, then those voters will go to where their voice matters, and that's to Barack Obama. Extra percentage points = more delegates, and I expect to see a push by the Obama camp to draw as many of these independents to the polls as they can.

C: Clinton Campaign Boss McAuliffe says they've banked $6 million in the last 24 hours. So much for being broke.

CPAC and the the ultra-right wingers may be trying to squeeze McCain with the three G's. Guns, god and gays, the Fundamentalists want their chunk of flesh. The Club For Growth'ers are ultra-cranky as well. The immigration thing gets their collective panties in a bunch too. Is Johnny Mac's war/terror card enough to get them to capitulate? Doesn't look like it yet.

sidenote: Anything that makes Lou Dobbs froth up has high entertainment value.

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